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Services in Vacuum Excavation

We provide vacuum truck services typically referred to within the industry as sub-surface utility engineering (S.U.E.) or Hydro-Excavation. There are circumstances in which conventional methods do not precisely locate the utilities. In these cases additional means may be utilized. These include ground penetrating radar (for non-metallics), and Vacuum Dig field of expertise; vacuum excavation.

In order to give the client exact information as to where the utility-in question lies, we use the nations leading vacuum excavation technology for environmentally safe, non-destructive test holes.

The S.U.E. Analyst will determine the exact location for test hole excavation by utilizing methods mentioned previously. Once the excavation location or conflict point is determined, the trained Vacuum Dig crew prepares the test hole for visual verification. Using vacuum hose and pneumatic air lance in tandem, the soil is carefully disrupted and cleared to provide the safest method of utility exposure available.

After the utility is located, the technician replaces the native soil, if possible, or, will use a special fill as determined by code or client. Depths of the utility are taken and a survey marker is posted in order to re-establish the test hole location at a future date, should the need occur. A typical utility line is exposed within 4 x 8 test holes. Test holes may be as big as 12 x 12.

We provide the means to help to soft dig power line poles from 6,8,10,12,14 feet in the ground (wood or concrete), soft dig and install hand holes and locate lines underground using soft dig excavation equipment.

Other services we provide:

Flood Response Pipe Video Inspection Catch Basin & Pipe Cleaning Structure & Pipe Sealing Root Treatment with RootX® Pipe Air, Dye & Smoke Testing Pipe Lining Commercial Dive Crew Large Diameter Pipe Cleaning & Culvert Cleaning Large Tank Cleaning Tunnel/Soft Dig/Trench Cleaning Plug Installation & Dewatering Embankment Restoration Pipe Sag Removal

Non-Destructive Digging is safe for excavating around pipes and cables. By using a Vacuum Excavator Non-Destructive Digging Machine provided by NO DIG Equipment, you will eliminate the risk of damaging underground services as well as eliminate the risk of injuring your crew during operation. Non Destructive Digging is the fastest technique to dig straight holes and trenches without mess.


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