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Why Water Is the Best Substance for Excavating on Difficult Terrain

water excavation precise digging process

Digging projects on difficult terrain is usually more time consuming and labor intensive. Just think about frozen soil: traditional excavation methods are inefficient in this case, unless workers spend a lot of time burning coal or wood to thaw the soil (a process which releases pollutants into the environment).

Luckily, Hydro excavation is now available- a new technique providing huge benefits and savings by increasing efficiency, saving time, and reducing different risks.

There is no longer a need to worry about downtime. Hydro excavation is perfect for digging in cold weather and on difficult terrain. A hydrovac truck is equipped with water heating technology which breaks the soil with ease. If the digging project is for locating underground utilities, hydro excavation will prove to be useful as it will not cause any damage to the existing utilities. This eliminates delays associated with accidental damage to underground infrastructure.

Water excavation is significantly more precise compared with traditional excavation methods because operators have better control, even in difficult conditions.

In difficult terrain sometimes the truck cannot be brought too close to the digging site. With hydrovac there is no need to worry about this- a hydrovac can excavate from as far as 500 feet away!

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